2006-12-24--Buy Nothing Day Poster
Posted 04 December 2006 - 05:58 PM
Here’s our new Community Contest!
This one is going to be a special one with regard to its prize an duration. This will last for the whole December and the winner will get $ 100.
Tagline: Buy Nothing Day Poster
Max. # of entries: 3 per member
Info: Buy Nothing Day is an informal day of protest against consumerism observed by social activists. It was founded by Vancouver artist Ted Dave and subsequently promoted by the Canadian Adbusters magazine. Participants refrain from purchasing anything for 24 hours in a concentrated display of consumer power. The event is intended to raise awareness of what some see as the wasteful consumption habits of First World countries. Activists may also participate in culture jamming activities like the Whirl-Mart and other forms of radical expression. It is also used to protest materialism and bandwagon appeals.
The Winner should be the one who will interpret the message of restraining consumerism in the most powerful artistic way.
You can determine the proportions of your poster/workspace yourself but please keep the width of your poster max 600 px. while posting it in the forum.
Deadline: December 24th, 2006
Notes: We would like to see the entries attached to the posts or shown as [IMG] links so that they can be seen within the thread and not just be links.
The winner will have all the copyright for the poster design and can submit and publish it on any websites or in print, however it should be clearly mentioned that the poster is the winner of the contest on http://www.DesignContest.com
Winner will get 100 $.
The win will be recorded for entering the design team as we have the rule that if you win three Community Contests you will be accepted to the Design Team directly.
• Political and Religion subject matter should not be presented in an ill or offensive manner.
Feel free to give feedback to the designers in Community Contests!
Good Luck!
Posted 05 December 2006 - 05:32 PM
Have you heard about Buy Nothing Day? Did you know the world celebrates it on December 25th? Well, now you do, and you will have an opportunity to design a poster for this event.
i'm a little confused. wherever i look, buy nothing day is listed as the friday and/or saturday after thanksgiving, not on christmas day! where did you find this information? in my opinion, buying nothing on christmas isn't much of a big deal, considering many shops are closed and most people spend the day with their families.
Posted 05 December 2006 - 06:17 PM

Posted 05 December 2006 - 06:32 PM

in any case, i do think this contest description needs to be more clear. if it's not about the day itself, and is only about the purpose of the day, as you said, then we aren't really creating a 'buy nothing day' poster, we are creating an anti-consumerism/anti-over-consumption poster. sorry to ramble on, but they are very different things.
Posted 05 December 2006 - 08:43 PM
Anyway I am not willing to carry the debate further. Let's see the entries.

Posted 05 December 2006 - 10:31 PM

on a sidenote.. here's a cool existing poster i thought you folks might appreciate, maybe for inspiration. this is not an entry for the contest, as i did not create it! It was created by Kimberly Vlies.

Posted 06 December 2006 - 02:01 AM

arcticsnpr ANYONE - who is registered with Design Contest can do ANY Community Contest! So Yes you can! lol
Posted 06 December 2006 - 03:04 PM
It's not supposed to be on Black Friday, that is another name for the day.I was reading through some of your guys' questions about buy nothing day - its sposed to be on Black Friday - the biggest shoppers savings day of the year. Called black friday because tehy switched from red ink pens (losses) - to black ink pens (profits). It is the friday after Thanks Giving. And just happens to be the time of year when Stores REALLY REALLY get a boost on sales because Christmas is just around the corner and its the perfect time of year to start Christmas shopping. The thing is -- the stores can ALL afford to sell at the outragiously low Sales prices - ALL YEAR LONG - its a buncha crap but hey - thats america and First World Countries for ya -- I'll deff be making a submission here
arcticsnpr ANYONE - who is registered with Design Contest can do ANY Community Contest! So Yes you can! lol
Expect to see an entry from me within the next week.
Posted 07 December 2006 - 01:55 AM
Morriconei, to be honest I am not quite getting the idea. Could you say a few words about it?..
I went about the design with an iconic theme. I was using an "X" as a send up on red tag sales, linking it with the word "thing" through the color red. As you read the word "nothing" you should read it as "no thing". That may seem overly convoluted, which is a problem I hoped I wouldn't run into.
The date in the background is for next year, but I hope it says that the date isn't as important as the idea.
It came from an earlier more heavy-handed idea that I felt could be simplified while still being effective. I suppose it's misguided as it needs to be explained, which clearly wasn't what I was reaching for.
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