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Infraction Points

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#1 roberthc



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Posted 15 December 2011 - 06:13 AM

Hey everyone, I would like to know if there's a way you can get rid of infraction points earlier than 6 months.

Thank you,


#2 Vickyb


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Posted 15 December 2011 - 08:25 AM

Hi there Roberthc

Hope you're well. Thank you for your question.

There isn't a way you can get rid of infraction points earlier than 6 months unless they've been given for less time in the first place (very rare).

However, infraction points can only be seen by you (and the moderators) and don't worry too much if you receive a small ten point infraction because everyone gets them at some point. Unless you get 90 points or more (immediate ban), it won't affect your designing priviledges.

Hope this helps.


#3 roberthc



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Posted 15 December 2011 - 08:50 AM

Hi Vickyb,

Thank you for your answer but the reason why I asked is because I received not a small ten point infraction but something big for using Clip Art what I didn't do. I don't know how the gravity of an infraction is decided but regarding that I found around 20 infraction in couple of hours at the ongoing contest which weren't reported, and there are a lot more, I kind of feel treated a bit unfair receiving a big infraction point for using Clip Art when what I used was a brush.

Thank you,

#4 Vickyb


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Posted 15 December 2011 - 09:26 AM

I'm sorry you feel unfairly treated, Roberthc. Was the infraction given for a logo design? We wouldn't give you an infraction of 50 points unless you had used a third party image of some kind. However, you can send a link to us of the contest and the entry number if you would like this to be reviewed (i.e. if you did not use a third party image).

If you see other designs that are violating the rules, we would be grateful to hear about it. It is easy to report a design. Please just follow this link:

How do I report a design? - Powered by DesignContest.com

Please make sure you add a link to the third party image.

Many thanks


#5 sharie



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Posted 15 December 2011 - 11:09 PM

Hi roberthc

I have explained several times to you about your infraction points. Splitting hairs saying it wasn't clipart it was a photoshop brush you downloaded.....it is the same thing. You did not create the artwork yourself, someone else did. ALL logos are to be created 100% by you. ALL logo are required to be 100% vector a psd brush file is a raster file, not a vector file.

I also told you to report any design that is not following the rules ( you did, we took care of those, thank you) We need proof the art if used somewhere else, existing art, clipart ext.... so be sure to include the link to original art that has been copied or lifted.

You are not being picked on, singled out. I gave 3, 50 point infractions that day you received yours. If a design is reported it is reviewed. . We are not looking give out 50 point infractions. We want honest working professional designers here at designcontest.

You have a 50 point infraction, there is nothing that can be done about it now. What you can do is only use your own work in logo contests. You are talented, show that off, you don't need to show of others work. : )

Edited by sharie, 15 December 2011 - 11:14 PM.

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#6 lucy520



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Posted 05 March 2012 - 03:53 AM

Please make sure you add a link to the third party image.

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Posted 12 July 2012 - 07:22 AM


I accept the point that you give infraction points for Copying.

But, I feel the concerned designer should be given a chance either to withdraw his design or to explain his stand.

It might be a coincidence.

Without noticing the other entry, one might have posted it.

So, give a chance to the designers.

Maybe a mail can be sent to the concerned designers saying that his design is in question and needs his action.

I feel by this way, innocent designers can be given a chance.


#8 relz2011



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Posted 12 July 2012 - 08:14 AM

Hello Vickyb,

Please check this links if which of this are the same. Link:Logo Design #37 by Jera for Findmyshift - Simple Online Scheduling and Link:Logo Design #46 by dansheva for Findmyshift - Simple Online Scheduling two is very much the same with each other. Compared to this link:http://www.designcon...ng/entry/229..I wondering why they considered this as copying of design in fact this is very much different compared to the links I referring. Because of this I received infractions in unjustifiable way. It was unfair on my part as a designer. I just wanna ask for clarification about this.

Thank you,

#9 roberthc



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Posted 16 July 2012 - 06:46 AM

After they give you unfair infraction points now they start to remove 10% of your points because you don't participate in any contest or don't post on the forum. Let me ask you something,: are those your points? You earn them? I think no, so please stop with the stupid rules and warnings.

Thank you

#10 roberthc



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Posted 27 July 2012 - 07:34 AM

Design Contest is now going beyond every limit. Two weeks of no activity and you remove 10% of somebodies points? I'm not gonna start giving you examples but if you start using your brains you'll find out that there are chances that somebody is not able to post an entry or comment on the forum for 2 weeks.
Buy the way, a suggestion: Keep adding all this stupid rules and you're gonna run out of designers, sooner or later. And, let's not talk about other design contests websites where you have thousands of contest, unlimited options and no stupid rules.

Let's see, I bet you're gonna go down if you don't change the rules. You had over 5000 designers, now its 4882... let's see what's next.

#11 DexMind176



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Posted 17 August 2012 - 06:06 PM

Dear all,

please be professional.......... If the CH is with a logo concept... then of course other designer will try to give there best with the same concept, but if it's way too similar than you can report it to the ADMIN.

and remember, if you have confidence in your concept, then you will win for sure, whether some one is copying your design or not, it should not be a matter to you, coz the original concept is your and ou can rectify or improve your concept to meet the perfect position....

and above all if you don't win the contest, then it means you are lacking something, which you should look after

#12 jpbituin



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Posted 21 August 2012 - 07:02 AM


"5000 designers, now its 4882"

I think dc removed the profiles that are not really active. or no entries at all.

I go with strict policy. because everything will run smooth if your doing it right.

and this is for the Good of all loyal designers. (this is about long run)

About saying stupid things about the dc rules.....

ok, go-go no rules?! lets do what we want here! (yes its a freedom, but sooner or later you will see designers stubbing each other

talking sh*t in public). is that what you want??

#13 roberthc



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Posted 21 August 2012 - 11:17 AM

I go with strict policy as well, not with stupid and nonsense policy!

Other comments and examples soon.

#14 sharie



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Posted 21 August 2012 - 03:09 PM


Your complaining is uncalled for. Follow the rules and guidelines and you will not have a problem.

"After they give you unfair infraction points now they start to remove 10% of your points because you don't participate in any contest or don't post on the forum. Let me ask you something,: are those your points? You earn them? I think no, so please stop with the stupid rules and warnings.

Thank you"

What is unfair is when you use clipart and brushes in logo contests you didn't make yourself!

ALL logo are to be created 100% by you not anyone else, not clipart not brushes.

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Posted 21 August 2012 - 04:24 PM

I go with strict policy as well, not with stupid and nonsense policy!

This is not very polite towards the administration of the website that you use.

#16 Alexys


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Posted 31 October 2012 - 11:36 AM


I have received an infraction for seekoo.tv - Designs by alexys.
There is no e-mail message, no explanation on the site. I'd like to know what happened.

The message says only: "You received an infraction. You are not able to post comments in this contest. Please be more careful next time, and read our guidelines."

#17 Alexys


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Posted 31 October 2012 - 11:55 PM


Finally, I got the message. I got the infraction for using a mock-up. There are 2 points I’d like to clarify:
1. I did not know I break the rules using the TV image only as a background for my logo. That image is no part of the design. Its meaning was to “sell” the logo (if anyone cares).
2. I must understand: I got the infraction for using the design of a TV or for using a bitmap inside that design?

#18 sharie



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Posted 01 November 2012 - 01:54 AM

Alexys please read the designer guidelines and rules https://www.designco...i-am-a-designer

No mockups are allowed in logo contests. The logo should be the design/entry only nothing else....unless the contestholder has specifically said they want to see a mockup

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#19 Alexys


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Posted 01 November 2012 - 08:40 AM

I read the rules. I also noticed (site and forum) that the rules are slightly changed over the time. That’s why I made a mistake and I tried to explain that.
And please, let me know what exactly my mistake is: delivering the logo using a TV background or using a bitmap in that TV. I ask you because, as far as I can see, a lot of designs in that contest use a TV on the background and it look to be ok.

#20 morabira


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Posted 01 November 2012 - 12:08 PM

It is because you're participating in "LOGO design" category. Not "LOGO ON TV design" category Alexys.

My advice is, next time if you want to put tv, make sure put the most expensive one, hopefully not being given infraction :)...But don't blame me if you're banned for following this advice...hehehe
Anyway, you did a good job on the tattoos.org logo. Love it:)

Edited by morabira, 01 November 2012 - 12:49 PM.

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