Can CH restore the eliminated entry if he/she changes his/her mind?
Or there is no chance this will ever happen because he/she just can see the design like we designers see once the design got eliminated (low opacity)?
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Posted 28 January 2019 - 06:43 PM
HI there
Yes a ch can restore eliminated entries. sometimes the eliminated entry wins the contest. Just last week had a contestholder cal and ask to unelimante 900 or more entries. There is no bulk uneliminated I had to unhide one by one lol
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Posted 25 August 2022 - 08:27 AM
Thanks for letting me know that. I also want to know can CH restore the eliminated entry and I am glad I found my answer over here. Can you tell me where I can submit it? I am waiting for your reply with actual question you want to ask so that we can help you. Till then I will visit https://studyclerk.c...-research-paper here because I need a help from professional essay writer regarding my custom research paper work. When I am done with my homework after that I will come back here again.
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