Hello Everyone..
I wonder if CH: knows that that there will be a color variation possible from what we show and what they print. The submission done by a designer are in RGB format and max times the final product printing is in CMYK.
We all know the difference between RGD & CMYK colours.
If CH knows than good or else something wrong can happen.
Talking on basis of experience. One of my personal client had that issue.
First they asked to show the artwork in RGB and when it was finalised i can to know they were suppose to print it in CMYK combination.
It was tough to get those colour effects to match. Though some how with few changes it got through.
Whats your call guys ?
Should they be given this intimation b4 itself incase if they not aware of this ?
Do the CH knows abt difefrence in RGB & CMYK ?
Hello Everyone..
I wonder if CH: knows that that there will be a color variation possible from what...
cmyk difference intimation rgb
Posted 01 December 2013 - 03:32 PM
Overall it depends on what you're designing. Atleast with cmyk it can be proofed, but RGB is really difficult to manage because every display shows colours differently. So maybe it wouldn't hurt to let the CH know that if they are not informed of this
- lalelemu likes this
Posted 01 December 2013 - 03:53 PM
I would say 90% of the contestholders do NOT know the difference. I explain this over and over and then when it is exaplained they still might not understand.
What most or large amount of ch understand is what they want and need
So this is up to the designer to understand the need/want compared to output
If a client says they want to use the design on web then you have to send the rgb format as cmyk is too large will not have the desired output/look
when the client starts wanting neon colors, explain that neon is rgb output and will not look neon in print
Many designers here submit rgb and cmk source files in wining logo designs
for brochures this would be cmyk because it is print but some clients want an online sample of the brochure as well and that would need to be rgb.
In the end it is better and easier for you as the designer to design in cmyk first, you can easily convert the files to rgb, more work is involved to convert rgb to cmyk plus I would rather show my design to the ch in cmyk colors and have them fall in love with that than them fall in love with rgb colors and be then be disappointed.
What most or large amount of ch understand is what they want and need
So this is up to the designer to understand the need/want compared to output
If a client says they want to use the design on web then you have to send the rgb format as cmyk is too large will not have the desired output/look
when the client starts wanting neon colors, explain that neon is rgb output and will not look neon in print
Many designers here submit rgb and cmk source files in wining logo designs
for brochures this would be cmyk because it is print but some clients want an online sample of the brochure as well and that would need to be rgb.
In the end it is better and easier for you as the designer to design in cmyk first, you can easily convert the files to rgb, more work is involved to convert rgb to cmyk plus I would rather show my design to the ch in cmyk colors and have them fall in love with that than them fall in love with rgb colors and be then be disappointed.
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Posted 01 December 2013 - 07:26 PM
If the percentages are that high, there could be other issue that come up because simply looking at a design on screen doesn't necessarily give an adequate depiction of what colors will look like on paper. The only true way to do that is by proofing and/or showing chips from a color book. I don't know how to properly do this with CH's here without telling them to proof the design first before closing the contest/releasing the prize amount.
Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: cmyk, difference, intimation, rgb
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